„42. The answer to life, the universe and everything“ - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Florian Wooge
ter graduating from high school, Florian Wooge trained as a bank clerk. His passion for technology, innovation and IT then led him to his second mainstay, at Pegalion. Since the first hours of Pegalion's foundation, he has been the contact person for all tricky IT puzzles that his customers have to solve: from stubborn software bugs to the networking of complex hardware structures. The man for DNS and CMS. Helpdesk for the Pegalion colleagues.
Florian Wooge enriches his clients with his perseverance, his daily growing technical knowledge and tools. He loves to understand exactly how things work - and stays with a question until he has fully penetrated it.
He is fascinated by the fact how the smallest technical details can have a big effect: How, for example, a script drives a complex machine or server. How the optimisation of a seemingly insignificant code snippet leads to back ups being executed more efficiently and reliably.
He knows that innovation and digitalisation are both coming. Whether we want it or not. So it's better to be at the forefront and swim along than to be swept away. What fascinates him most about digitalisation is that everyone has the chance to participate in society's knowledge. Knowledge is power and a decisive competitive advantage in the information society - the safety net of successful companies.